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Steffan Lloyd Owen, Adra’n Ôl For Discount


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This album was produced by Osian Huw Williams, who also contributed instrumentally to the album, together with Annette Bryn Parri on piano, Gruffydd Wyn on vocals, Dylan Cernyw on harp and vocal party Hogia Llanbobman.

The album contains a vast rage of musical genres and the songs take us on a journey from the joyous to the plaintive through to the tender and powerful, through works by Schubert and Rossini to Welsh favourites by composers such as Gareth Glyn, Robat Arwyn and R S Hughes.

The album’s track title is a Welsh version, by Caryl Bryn, of the song ‘Homeward Bound’. Through his assured and confident performance, his lyrical and emotive singing and the richness and maturity of his voice, this album confirms Steffan as one of Wales’ most impressive and talented young singers.

Steffan dedicates this album in memory of his late mother, Susan Jane Owen.

Tracks –

01. Adra n ôl

02. I Believe

03. Litanei

04. Largo Al Factotum

05. I Love you Because

06. Yr Orrnest

07. Nacht Und Traume

08. I ll Walk Beside You

09. Dy garu o Bell

10. Homeward Bound

11. Llanrwst

12. Somewhere (West Side Story) with Gruffydd Wyn

13. Y Dymestl.



Cynhyrchwyd yr albym gan Osian Huw Williams a cheir cyfaniadau cerddorol gan Annette Bryn Parri, Gruffydd Wyn, Dylan Cernyw, Billy Thompson, Hogia Llanbobman ac Osian.

O ran y caneuon, ceir amrywiaeth eang o’r llon i’r lleddf, o’r tyner i’r pwerus, wrth i Steffan ein tywys drwy ffefrynnau clasurol gan Schubert a Rossini i ffefrynnau Cymreig fel ‘Y Dymestl’, ‘Yr Ornest’ a ‘Llanrwst’, gan gynnwys hefyd glasuron cyfoes megis ‘Dy Garu o Bell’.

Mae trac teitl yr albym, ‘Adra’n Ôl’, yn gyfieithiad arbennig gan gyfaill i Steffan, y bardd Caryl Bryn, o’r gân ‘Homeward Bound’. Drwy ei ganu sicr, hyderus, eil eisio cyfoethog ac aeddfed, a’i berfformio teimladwy ac angerddol, mae’r albym hwn yn cadarnhau mai Steffan yw un o gantorion ifanc disgleiriaf Cymru.

01. Adra n ôl

02. I Believe

03. Litanei

04. Largo Al Factotum

05. I Love you Because

06. Yr Orrnest

07. Nacht Und Traume

08. I ll Walk Beside You

09. Dy garu o Bell

10. Homeward Bound

11. Llanrwst

12. Somewhere (West Side Story) gyda Gruffydd Wyn

13. Y Dymestl.



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