$1.75 $0.88
#lang1:A poster showing full-colour photographs of people from different countries around the world, with a list of how to say Croeso ( Welcome ) in 28 different languages. #lang2:Poster gyda ffotograffau lliw-llawn o wynebau pobl o wahanol wledydd y byd, gyda rhestr yn dangos sut i ddweud Croeso mewn 28 o wahanol ieithoedd.
$1.96 $0.98
#lang1:A 60x40cm laminated poster, featuring the Welsh alphabet. #lang2:Poster maint 60x40cm wedi lamineiddio, ac arno r Wyddor Gymraeg.
$2.40 $1.20
#lang1: A pack of 6 colourful cardboard strips (700x250mm) suitable for hanging on a classroom or bedroom wall. Â Â #lang2: Pecyn o 6 stribed cardfwrdd (700x250mm) lliwgar i w gosod ar wal ystafell.
$12.98 $6.49
#lang1: This poster poem of Hon by T. H. Parry Williams is one of a series first published by the Welsh Arts Council in the 1970s. Graffeg is republishing this popular poster series illustrated by Sue Shields, paying homage to Welsh poetry. The full poem by T. H. Parry Williams is printed on the poster….
$4.99 $2.50
#lang1: A reproduction of a poster advertising Maes B, a single record by Y Blew, the first rock group to sing in Welsh. First published in 1967. Size – A2. #lang2: Atgynhyrchiad o boster i hyrwyddo Maes B, record sengl Y Blew, y grŵp roc cyntaf i ganu yn Gymraeg. Cyhoeddwyd yn wreiddiol yn 1967. …
$2 $1
#lang1:A colourful poster presenting the numbers 1 to 20 to children.. #lang2:Poster lliwgar yn cyflwyno rhifau 1 i 20 i blant.
$4.96 $2.48
#lang1: Attractive and colourful poster that introduces Welsh simply and clearly and includes a translation of every word. #lang2: Poster deniadol a lliwgar sy n cyflwyno r Gymraeg mewn ffordd syml a chlir i ddysgwyr. Geirfa defnyddiol wedi i gyflwyno mewn amrywiaeth o adrannau, gan gynnwys cyfieithiad o bob gair.
$2 $1
#lang1: A colourful, educational poster introducing the days of the week, the months of the year, the seasons and the weather; for young children. Â Â #lang2: Poster addysgol, lliwgar yn cyflwyno dyddiau r wythnos, misoedd y flwyddyn, y tymhorau a r tywydd; i blant ifanc.
$3 $1.50
#lang1:Educational A,B,C Poster, a vibrant way to help your children learn the Welsh alphabet! #lang2:Poster A,B,C addysgiadol – ffordd lliwgar a deniadol o helpu eich plentyn plant i ddysgu Yr Wyddor Gymraeg.
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